Tuesday, January 6, 2009

In Love... With Piper (A Good Read For Those Who are, Sometimes, Afraid)

OK, so anyone who knows me knows that I have some fear of horses. But, I LOVE Piper already! Tonight, and this really is sweet, I took Piper out of her stall without her halter and lead rope. Really! I was standing in the aisle way of our barn and I opened Piper's stall door and just called her name. Piper came to me better than my little dog does. When I said (in my ignorance) "stop", Piper stopped! Then I said "stand" and Piper stood. I took out Piper's grooming tools and groomed her. When Ted opened Allie's stall door and Piper looked like (and started to) move towards Allie's stall, I said "no" and she stopped. Then, I continued to groom her. Piper was so good about this and I was not afraid of standing next to her even though she wore no halter. When Ted again opened Allie's stall door then started messing around in the aisle way, I took Piper by her neck with my arms and turned her towards her stall. I told her "stall" and she walked in!!!!

I followed Piper, finished brushing her mane, then just stood in her stall, hugging her neck, both giving and receiving love. Ahhhh............. to be loved by a horse, a sweet horse..........

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